FootFidget Standing Desk Conversion Kit 2.0 for 7/8″ dia, 24″ leg (SD78-24)
Functioning just as its name suggests, the Standing Desk Conversion Kit, with the FootFidget 2.0 is the first patented and eco-friendly product which allows schools to recycle the tops of their desks – replacing the short leg extensions with the Kit’s longer leg extensions to provide a standing desk at a reasonable cost. Students like the fact that they have the same desk top as everyone else, just taller so they can stand in class. In combination, they provide opportunities for the student who can’t sit still, or the student who seems to ‘melt’ in their chair – neither are properly positioned to learn. Research has shown that students who are able to stand and fidget have increased circulation, focus and attention to facilitate learning.
To order the correct size, measure the outside diameter (widest part) of your current desk’s removable leg. Leg extensions come in both a 1″ diameter and a 7/8″ diameter to fit both standard sizes of tubular desk legs. The 24″ leg will raise desk height up to 41″ (usually grades 3-8) and the 19″ leg will raise desk heights up to 35″ (grades 1-2) depending on desk style. FootFidget 2.0 – Fidgeting Leg Exerciser.